so hers how the day went-picz 1st n main story below:-after slumdog millionare we went to nandos! those r the menu's :)
mk smsn or smthn while lying down or wtv :P
lourdez, kp, emma in blue n mk in cream/white wtv shirt it is
w8tn outside after movie n nandos 4 kp's mum =Pkp inbetween the klcc :)....n me looking wierdly at her =D
i told mk to pose n try n actually smile-tht was the best he cud do-lol
flashhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :)
lourdez, me n carmen :)
hahahha! "no comments"...btw i was lafing nt crying n ma hand was pointing to kp n saying w8 w8 lemme b ready! :)
hehehehe! :P carmen wot r u doing?
lourdez, me n camen! OMG! i was laffing so hard i luked lyk i wud cry :)
wakakakka :)
the huge cake outside n me! :)
walking walking :)
klcc :)...with kp inbetween :)
lourdez =P
lourdez, mengkin, kp n me
lourdez, mengkin, kp n me! kp say we shud bend so she can put her hands haha!
mk eating his chicken-hehe
lourdez n her ice tea-hehe! :)
i am scared of u kp-c ma xpression-haha-u wish :P
lourdez n me -haha :)
lourdez-peace :)
lpurdez, me lafing ma head off n carmne (idk wot she doing :P)
mk n kp! awwwww =P
damn dark la! aiya!!! wth! :)
me, kristin n mk :)
carmen, emma, lourdez, kristin n mk
main story:-
so assments is over!-woot woot :)....wrote ma last paper today~! :)
kp n all wanted to c a movie on saturday-tmrw-but i sed i have youth n cudent miss so i cnt come :) i sed she shud come on friday then :)...friday (today), me, mengkin n all were to see and thn kp invite lourdez n carmen n me ma bro so we ended up being six :)
after school, mk n ma bro walked home n me, camren w8ted 4 driver hu was really l8 so v walkd home n gifty was at skool 4 a while n driver came l8 n ma mum got pissed at me instead! jeeze!
at pavilion, we saw slumdog millionare! which was sooooooooooo freaking awsome! OMG! i luved it! i even cried a bit in the end! it was sooooooooooo cool n awsome n great n awsome n cool n just freaking awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :) OMG! <3>so anyway, after the freakishly awsome movie, we went to nandos n i pretty much spent all ma cash there-haha! ma mum kicked ma @$$ wen i got home :)
so yea....after awsome time at nandos, we went outside pavilion n there was these really huge fake there so v took picz of it n stuff n around it n just went wakakakak :)
after that went to look for kp's mum n she dropped mk at ampang park n me at home :)
it was a really fun day :)
have a good day
Friday, February 27, 2009
fun time with some fwendz :)
Posted by elle at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: regular outings and trips
Thursday, February 26, 2009
activities=badminton :)
today-beginning was boring!
i made an attempt to pay attention in accounting class n actually asked the teacher wot to do (A)
bt thn she realized tht i seriuzly dont knw anything-lol-in accounting i mean! so i had to start from scratch n read ma year 9 notes :) (A)
anyway! yea! skool=boring
lunch was ok la! bought a burger for the 1st time! hahah! :)
so yea went for activites after lunch to some place near ma house-hehe! :)
we went to the wrong badminton court-sum small crappy 1- cuz of joshua n his big mouth-haha! sory josh if u reading tis bt its true! :)
ow yea during tht-some koreans hit a badminto shuttle cck n omg! it landed str8 in my hands! ma hands was curved in a circle n i was lyk wot in the world-where did it come from-haha-so yea :)
i wen with the 2 boring luvbired-adrian n priscy-to check the other big court where v usualy always went :)
it turnd out thats wher v actualy shud b
so i called the otherz n v headed there :)
over there ryan wee joined us! n i mistakenly wacked his back with the racket-haha-so he sed i deprived him of his badminton skillz n without me wacking him he wud b playing awsomenly! haha! :p.........he kept falling n broke down wen he lost to us (kp n me) -rofl!
so i went to rest n watch them play after ma awsome victory! haha :)
after that came home n took a long shower n slept-wohoooo :)
i came on9 ..use pc n watch american idol :)
tc :)
Posted by elle at 6:18 AM 0 comments
kp's teachings :P
that is madam kristin pasive! lol
ok! so kristin is one of my very freaky wierd frendz! she talks rubbish sometimes! n talks alot without knowing wot she is sainy-chei-haha! bt sumtymz she speaks sense-lol
here r some of her many teaching-not entirely hers la-some quotes from internet bt stil its kinda intresting to read-haha:-
1. Keeping thoughts of the past or old mind sets is actually a trap that you fall into to prevent
yourself from fulfilling your destiny.
2. We must be willing to put something down to embrace something better.
3. Thinking negatively makes small matters seem big. When you magnify an object, it's size
doesn't change.. only your angle of perspective of that object will.
4. You think you're in love when the handsome guy swaggers in front of your eagle eyes, but
sorry to intros kept it- you're just in love with the idea of being in love.
5. The first type of love in a person's life is called Eros. The boy is captivated by a beautiful girl
and the girl by a handsome boy. He or she is taken up with this person's interiority as
incarnated in physical beauty of that person. But to be truly in love,
however, means something more than just Eros.
6. Emotions and feelings are our passions. Passions are considered to be lower powers
of our soul. They are said to be controlled by the higher power -- will. The first and
foremost passion is love- a sensual love aroused by the stimulation of the senses. It is 'sensual'
because it has its beginning and end in the senses.
7. And because it is sensual it has its limitation- it will at some time reach
its saturation point. For this reason overwrought emotion - the essence of puppy
love - will leave you spent, drained, after a short while. For your emotions, stimulated by your
senses, can take so much and no more.This limitation accounts for the swiftness
with which PUPPY love dwindles once it has reached its peak.
8. "Love is blind." It is true in the sense that love is an affective
phenomenon. The affectivity can help us to understand another but it can also obscure the
issue. This can be dangerous if it leads to marriage, because daily life together will demonstrate
to each the realising of the other's personality.
9. On the other hand, mature love contains, absorbs and purifies this
sensual love. It can never reach the point where it can have too much love. True, it
begins in the senses, arouses pleasurable emotions, it readily recognises the physical attraction
and outward charm, but it does not stop there.
10.It pursues further ; it looks into the character - into
the very soul of the one loved.
What mature love finds, must equal and surpass the charm and
beauty which first attracted it.
11. If mature love is disappointed at what it finds in an other's character, the very
disappointment exerts a shattering effect. The physical beauty and outward charm
begin to lose their hold on mature love.
BUT when mature love finds the inward beauty then the will, the loving
power, loves with a great intensity.
cya! :)
Posted by elle at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: poetry or lyrics, speeches
Thursday, February 19, 2009
week be 4 feb assesments :)
haha! this week was actually kinda interesting! some thingz were nt too good but it was still "interesting" :)
we got pissed actually when we realized that we have 4 exams on one day....accounts, history, maths and english! tht sux! n its on monday! 1st day got all this! the teachers think we damn robots ah? either that or they seriuzly h8 us-lol-so yea tht was crappy n supper annoying!
bt then one time naufa told me that her bro went for the malacca trip! so she told me stuff to b expected there! n tht guyz n gulz can share a room only if a teacher is there too, hehe, we would be sleeping in huge tents (lol)....finally soundz like a real camp! :),....we would be like 8-16 people in a room n etc etc :) eh? =P......gonna say spoooky stories!!! :) there.....on wenesday, the 2 puppy luv birds were being all creepy n in their own world n etc etc-haha-n v got a bit disgusted ;)....for ecconz mr arasu dident come (1st time ever!!!! ^^), so we sat around to tell bloody ghost stories!1 hehe! i wud tell u some here but i may creep u out too much and ud probably run away frm here-hehe! :)
so yea sat around mr n mrz puppy luv birds were in the own world even tho v were telling stories as a group so we turnd to face front!-hehehe! :)
mengkin said he had alot of stories to tell-lol-but v shud w8 n find out at the trip.....o.0 :)
i cnt wait the tripppppppppp! :)
i tried to get ryan wee n shreyasi to come but they both have to study cuz 2 weeks after is end of term-sheesh! i wanted allllllllllll ma frndz to bt there :(. wottodo eh? hehhe! so yeapz :)....n thn i invited naufa on tuesday to national day celebration-hehe :)
ow yea n today, friday! there was this roaring thing in ma skool-hehe-some people were fighting n drew the largest crowd ever!! hehe! it was such an event! hehehe! people were going "wooot woot", "wohooo" n screaming n waving their hands in the air! =p...i mean the crowd was hugeeeeeeeeee! every 1 wanted to c wot was going on :)
i finaly found out 10 minz later-lol-bt i cnt tell ur eaders-so c me personally :)
after lunch, during history v watched "hitler! rise of hell"..awsome movie we dident get to finish it!-heheh! n we skipped ecconz to watch during the nxt period! hehe! well nt skipped ecconz la, the teacher knew we were watchn so yea :)
after school, came home! slept!!!!!11 n came use pc :)
thts pretty much a summary of ma week-cya! hehe
Posted by elle at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
***alot of picz n 2 videos included!!*** =D
tuesday:-rubini n naubee! :)
me! rubini! naufa! n tabitha! :)
me looking retarderd, rubini, naufa daydreaming or looking up n tabitha :)
me, rubini, nau n tabitha! :)
rubini, naufa, tabitha n siwsh!! :)....a frend also behind in da uniform bt me keep forgetting her name :'(
wenesday:-teacher naufa at work-hehe
teacher naufa n sammy-boy on the chair-hehe
me giving da marker to thomas n telling him to draw the human body :)
dewa doing some work i gave him! haha! to draw the human body :)
haha! dwa, luke n nau's hand :)
neatly arranged sticks :)
tabitha getting ready to wack! :)
all fell down :)
rubini, naufa n some dude! :)
me and a gul hus name i 4got-the kidz sooo many la! hw cn remeber all-haha
srishti! naufa! me with peaceeeeeeeee :)
naufa n me-hehe-nt read for picz bt stil it came out ok :)
swish! :)...naufa n moi :)
me (atleast nt smiling bt showing ma teeth-good right? =D), i 4 got this gulz name n thts swish :)
outsidE some coming back from school :)
hahah! doing the cansas dance! or wtv its spelt as...kansas or wtv :)....from left is dewa, luke, naufa n the dude i cnt say his name cuz i cnt c his name :)
haha! at the home there is a camera in da front gate n u cn c those hu r standing there frm the screen inside! so v stood outside n da picz were taken frm da inside screen :)
hehhe! she is always smiling! thts angeline
AHHH! NUAFA! THE PIC IS SOOO DARK!! :)...newayz its me sweeping n sammy nxt to me! :)
the studs! only like 1/10 of them here! haha! from back lef is dewa, thn nxt to him is laurence, thn luke in white n green n a kid named sammy infront :)
hahah! nau, tabitha, me(saying rotate the camera!) n swish! :)
naufa (she told me to crop her out or edit her cuz her eyes makes her look drunk =D), tabitha n me
dewa doing a handstand :)
dewa! gosh! he cn do a str8 handstand n walk accros the room :)
breakdancers! shooo good!
the mistros~! hehe! so young bt gosh! they cn break dance!!!
heheh! swish luk retarderd-lol
me, nau, some kid, aunty n swish wid her retarderd pose :p
me, nau n some aunty
infront! :)
naubee n me....1 kid was playing wid ma camera n took this-lol
teacher siwhs :)
srishti and timothy! he is shoooooooo cute-awwww :)
swish enjoyin the moment of eating with her handz :)
!naufa and swish showing of their handz cuz its the first time they ate with their handz! haha!
some of the kidz doing their homework in the afternoon and swish doing summfing idk :)
haha! she is always laughin wen she see's us-lol!
jin ee and swish! hehe! :)
thursday:-from left- jin ee, srishti, me, tabitha n sophia :)
timothy (awww-hehe) and swish! :)
me and sophia! :)
tabitha n naufa! awwww =P
naufa and me! hahah! posen while lying down
some childres and all 3 of us :)
moses n dewa :)
regina! wohooo! n me :)
me and katherina :)
the afternoon schoolers back from school eaten lunch :)
i 4got her name :@...a frend n me :)
us doing some random wierd faces-hahah!:)
me and tabitha :)
friday:-some of the guyz doing their art
the kidz doing some art
the card they gave us on our las day! nau got to keep it-sob sob :)
the guyz! hehe! some of them tht is! they r sooooooooo many! :)
robert n mark =P
kristina n naufa :)
naufa with her drink infront of her-lol n me! :)
srishti, naufa n meeeeeeeeeeee! :)
srishti-heheh! naufa! n me :)
swish in her gangsta pose-lol, naufa, n me (emmanuella) m thn at the back is tabitha n regina :)
timothy! hes shooo cute! haha! one of ma students :)
gopal is his indian name.....robert or sumtymz romeo is his english name! damn goofy la this kid! lol
hahaha! swishti n naufa! :)
the lil guyz! the red one can break dance!!!! hes sooo good n the 1 in red n blue is dewa hu is sho cute-hehhee
from left-regina! me! angeline and tabitha on the chair
from left! regina in white, me nxt to her, angeline in blue n tabitha on the chair :)
some of the children did some art that some uni people came n gave them to colour-lol
me, sophia and naufa....awwww....^_^
regina (XD) and me :)
sarah an naufa with idiotic robert at the back! hehehe
me..XS...sarah-such a beautiful kid :) n naufa! at the back r some of the dudes
same! the dude nxt to naufa is steven-pretty cool kid :)
some of the dudes n naufa :)
rubini, naufa, i 4 got the gul in green's name (XD), srishti, luke and dewa
rubini who is an awsome artist drawing and painting :)
during the whole thing they called us "ka" or "kaka" which meant sister :) hehe
work xperience
10 feb:- was shy, metthe kids, taught, swish was being bossy (as usual-sigh)-haha n etc, me n nau went to buy drinkz during lunch! had fun! bt was a bit shy still :)
11 feb:-met the kidz, me and nau taught the homeschoolers n swish taught the afternoon skool ones a clas, 2 boys did break dancing n they were goood, it was fun, took many picz
12 feb:- took loadsa picz, were posing like crezy-haha, taught the kidz!, mrs santhia teacher came to visit us which was wierd cuz v taught the sayfol teachers would never ever find the place~! :)....tabitha saved me cuz i was listening to music wen the teahcer came n she told me n i hid ma hp be 4 she came :)
13 feb:- our last day! tht sucked! v were sad! we had fun, tabitha was a bit sad today-long story! bt we had a good time....we talkd about our life stories! had good laughs! sooo fun! i laughed ma head of! :).......wen it was time to go,steven cried! awwww! m gonna miss him, he is sho shy n cute! haha! n today i became frendz with robert n talkd to him more! hes goofy n funy! haha! gonna miss him too! n omg! gonna miss katherine even tho she dnt speak english bt she tries to tlak to me!: )....gonna miss tabitha! regina hu laughs alot n is soo funy :)! sophia hu was at 1st shy of me bt still is gr8 :), timothy! 1 of ma student! he rox!-hehe! dewa n allll the kidz!! sob! it even makes me cry to tok bout it :(....naufa cudent control herself in da car she cried :)....i have alot of xperience with controlling tears-haha-so i did! bt i wanted to cry! udsualy i dnt hug people bt this time i hugged them all tightly cuz truly gonna miss them! :)
v plan to visit soooooon! for sure!this is off tabitha smackin the table "legs"-hehe! :P
the second vid is of the kidz dancing n doing stunts! wow! they r good 4 guyz this age! i mean hello! they r young n they just learn by watchn tv:)! by the time they 16 n above, they wud b pros!
so as u can c we had a blast!!!!
i hope to go there again! n i wud soon! :)
Posted by elle at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: daily life:-, regular outings and trips